Saturday, January 4, 2014

An all new TRCP for 2014!

With the new year just barely getting started, we now have an all new playground to...well, play in, of course. It's been a few years since I last made a blog post and it feels strangely new yet familiar at the same time.

To newcomers, my blog was/is called The Red Comet's Playground. It was originally put up on For anyone whose been into the internet over the past 5 years, went from a blogging site to a marketing site to a virtually non-existent site. With the growing popularity of Facebook since 2006, I practically shifted all my stuff there from 2007 onwards, methinks.

Anyway, I have been wanting to bring back this blog and I think that 2014 is the year to do it. This site will be purely dedicated to the pure random bouts of insanity that shoots through my brain from time to time with a little action figure action every now and then.

So here's a little SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Black (Renewal version) to kickstart a new year and a new home. Welcome back to The Red Comet's Playground! :)

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