Saturday, January 4, 2014

First figure shoot for 2014: Asuna Yuki from SAO

Sword Art Online has got to be one of my favorite anime's ever. The whole story of a virtual world where what you do reflects in reality is just an awesome concept for me. And I found the stories of the main characters, Kirito and Asuna, equally compelling as well. Too bad they didn't push through with a third season so we're kinda left with half a story once you complete watching all 25 episodes. Regardless, it's still a fun watch. 

Thanks to our good friends from Max Factory, one can now have both Kirito and Asuna in the palm of our hands through their Figma figure line . Unfortunately, I have not been able to score a Figma Kirito coz of a few bad decisions while in Singapore and the lack of a decently priced one here in Manila. Luckily, I do have Figma Asuna and she is an awesome figure to boot. 

Up here is a shot of her in what I call "The Fall of Aincrad." Been wanting to take a decent photo of her for a few months now but with family and work taking most of my time, I actually had to sacrifice sleep just to be able to take this photo and write this blog. Hehe. 

I have a few gripes here and there about the figure, such as the lack of more expressions on her face, as well as her hairlocks in front could have been set in a different direction via other hair accessories, etc but overall I love this figure. It's so cute and freakin' awesome at the same time. For those familiar with the figure, her E-Honda style 100 sword slash effect is also there but I was too lazy to take it out of the box for this shoot. Maybe next time. I did only have a few hours to do the shoot, you know. 

Sorry about the rant-ish, non-sense writing for my second post. It's 3AM in the morning and I am starting to feel woozy already. I will write a proper blog in the future... I promise. 

In the meantime, here are a few more shots I took of this awesome figure. Ciao! 

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